Monday, March 30, 2015

EO7 Establishment of the Kingdom

The israelties were monotheists, so they belived in only in one god. when they traded things with other groups of religion rhey did not adopt their colture, but some of them just got mixed. When the Philistines came they whanted to combine nations. So they were all ruled over one king. samuel helped to choose the king from one of the 12 tribes. The first kings name was Saul. He was a very respected military and he was was the first king in 1020bc. After saul died, the king was David. David was a strong leader in 1000 bc, and he drove out the philistienes from their place. After he drove them away he was the ruler Jerusalem. After he died his son Solomon took over control. Because solomen was a really wise king during his time Israel became a powerful nation. he was the one king who build their religious temple and many other buildings. When Solomon died his son took place. When the son took the place the nation devided because he wanted to have taxes, so they divided into 2 nations. 

EO7 Moses

Moses is that person who helped the Israelties to leave Egypt. Because they all when to Egypt from Canaan because they had hard time whith water and food, but when they came there they became slaves and were building puramids. When Moses freed them they went back home, and the jurney of their was Called  the Exodus. while they were traveling Moses climed up a mountain and when he came back he was holdin two stones with ten commandments. the Comandments made the basics rules for the Western Civilization. The traveling took then in the desert for 40 years. All their jurney was written in the Torah. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Occupation Reflection EO7

The tribes split when Solomones son asked the people to pay taxes. They split into northern and southern parts, because some agreed with the taxes some not. Southern were called the Judah, and the northern stayed then self. After two centuries they remained an inmoprtant adoption were two of the kingdoms, were tacken under the control of the Syrians. After some time the Babylonian people came, they fought, and won. This was called the Babylonian Period. And because of their king the holy temple was destroyed. This alll happende because the people on jerusalim and Judah were really weak.

Abraham Reflection EO7

Abraham was the father of the Hebrews, he was the one that God spoke to and told to leave Ur and move to the promised land of Canaan. The Hebrews were monotheism, so they belived only in one god, as Abraham tought them. Then come the tribes, and Judaism comes from the name of one of the 12 tribes named after sons and grandsons of Abraham. In Canaan the hebrews were Caled Israelitis and stayed like that. Then a time period came called exodus, when they left Canaan and whent to Egypt but got as slaves there. Then when they got free god gave them the Ten Commandments of what to do right and what not to do.Than they were lost in the desert for 40 years, and when they came back their promised land was tachen. So they started a war that was almoust 200 years. Than when the war stopped the tribes divided into 2 parts. Each part had their kings and judges that helped them and they asked advice. Also, one more time god spoke to Abraham. So because god spoke to him, Abraham tought it to the people, and they belived him.

EO7 Change in Jewish belief

The Jewish people came bavk to their religion, they praid, had their holy days that they celebrated. also then they came back to their land and rebuild their holy temple. Then they were looking to have another king to rule over them and lead. They had special people who they asked advice to, which helped them to solve problems. Also some of them wher talking to god.

Stomp that Revolution.

Laura Reis
I      Unit #EO7
Mr. Brown
Comparing and contrasting means thinking about similarities and differences. Two or more concepts are grouped together because of shared features, but they are distinguished from one another by other features. As you read lesson 10.3, think about ways in which Syrians and Romans differed in their treatment of Jewish rebellions.

Syria only
Rome only
Syrians weren’t as strict as the Romans.
The jews were not allowed to study the Torah, it was like a crime.
The Jews were allowed to follow their own religion.
They let the jews have own leaders, but they would choose them, not the jews.
There was still the Jewish school
Titus burned the Jews temple
They were very very strict to Jewish people.
They were the rulers over the Jews.

  1. Who tried to impose Greek culture and beliefs on the Jews?
        A Hebrew priest killed a Greek because he tried to make him as a victim for the Pagan god.
  1. Who forced the Jews to move out of Judea?
        The Romans in 135A.D and the Babylonians in 586 A.D.  the babylonians were first.
  1. Who used force to put down Jewish rebellions?

      In 70 A.D Titus put down the Rebellion.

E07-Effects of Syrian and Roman control

Thee changed them by scaring them from their religion, and if they would not obey, the Jedaic people, they were scared that there would be no other religion or people like them. And if the Judaic people would not obey they would destroye their temple, their holly place. The most off all is that because of the Jedaic religion and belief there were tacken as slaves and they didnt whant to let their religion go, so that separated them. If for the time they would obey just what the syrians wouold say, they would be alive and not tacken as slaves, but they were true to their religion and who they are. This made their religion strong, and even after the time of slaves they got free, they believed still in their religion.

10.3 Notes EO7

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

10 Commandments vs. Hammurabi's Code

Essential Questions: Why do societies need laws? Where do laws come from?
Focus Skill: Collaborative Conversations

In the book of Exodus (in the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah) the Israelites stopped at the foot of Mount Sinai and Moses went up the mountain to meet with God. Moses came down the mountain with two stone tablets that are ten laws. The Commandments and other laws told the Israelites how to behave towards God and one another. These laws are still important to Jews and to many other people today.

(Source Document) The Ten Commandments

1. I am the Lord thy God... You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not worship false idols…(Not worship other things)
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain...
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother...
6. You shall not kill.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor (lie).
10. You shall not covet (desire)... anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Practicing Collaborative Conversations
Directions: Before you practice your collaborative conversations in
your group, write down THREE Commandments in your own words
and why do you think they are important to a Civilization or Society.

Directions: Pick 3 Commandments and write them in YOUR OWN WORDS. And explain why you think they are important.

  1. You need to honor and respect your mother and father, the two people who gave life to you. It is important you respect the people who gave life to you and cared for you when you were growing up.

  1. You will not kill. Killing is never the answer, and should not be done whether you’re religious or not.

  1. You do not steal. Stealing is a very bad thing to do, for you take stuff without asking for permission, which you didn't work for to deserve it and which other people might need more than you.

Essential Questions: Why do societies need laws? Where do laws come from?
Skill Focus: Supporting ideas from examples in the text

Introduction: Laws are a complex institution of civilizations. They are designed to do many things—settle conflicts between individuals, provide citizens with guidance on proper behavior, and outline an individual’s relationship with the government. Thus, laws are important for building stable civilizations.

You will compare and contrast Hammurabi’s Code and Excerpts from the Torah (The old testament). Answer the questions below.

Source: Hammurabi’s Code (1775 B.C.)

If a son has struck his father, they shall   cut off his hand.
If a [noble] has destroyed the eye of a [noble], they shall destroy his eye.
If he has broken another [noble’s] bone, they shall break his bone.
If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver.
If he has destroyed the eye of a [noble’s] slave or broken the bone of a [noble’s] slave, he shall pay one- half [the slave’s] value.
If a [noble] has knocked out the tooth of a [noble], they shall knock out his tooth.
If he has knocked out a commoner’s tooth, he shall pay one-third mina of silver.


1. In your own words (paraphrase) some of the laws written in Hammurabi’s Code.

A lot of the codes written in the Hammurabi code consequences are the same as the rule broken. For example, if a noble destroyed the eye of another noble, than the other noble gets to do the same to the noble (destroy his eye.) There is some form of karma, so for every bad deed you do a bad deed comes to you, whether its injury, death or you pay back something.

2. Is the Code applied equally to all people? Explain your answer.

No. In my opinion the code isn't fair. A lot of this is not fair to all the people. For example, if someone believes a woman is a witch she dies either way without getting her own word. I only noticed the code punishments aren't as bad to higher class people to lower class people. The code does not apply equally to all people.
Essential Questions: Why do societies need laws? Where do laws come from?
Skill Focus: Supporting ideas from examples in the text

Source: Old Testament (Part of the Torah) (around 600 B.C)

Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death. But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place to which he may flee. . . .
Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death. . . . Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death. When men quarrel and one strikes the other with a stone or with this fist and the man does not die but keeps his bed, then if the man rises again and walks abroad with his staff, he that struck him shall be clear; only he shall pay for the loss of his time. . . .
When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.
When a man strikes the eye of his slave, male or female, and destroys it, he shall let the slave go free for the eye’s sake. If he knocks out the tooth of his slave, male or female, he shall let the slave go free for the tooth’s sake.

1. Describe some of the punishments of these laws.

If you don’t respect (kill) people around you, you die

If you don’t respect your parents you die

If you hurt a slave you shall let the slave go

2. How is the treatment of slaves in Hammurabi’s Code and the Old Testament laws similar? How is it different?

Both of the laws represent justice as Revenge. In both the laws you had to respect people around you.

In Hammurabi’s code, If you hurt a slave. The slave can’t leave. Instead the slave gets to hurt you the same way you hurted it.

Both of the laws are very similar  

  • On page _________, it said….
  • The author wrote…
  • According to the text….
  • From the reading, I know that…
  • Based on what I read…
  • For example…

Visual Study Guide
Directions: Read the question or statement and fill in the blank below

According to ancient Hebrew history, who made the first covenant with god, which promised the Hebrews the Promised Land? Abraham

The belief in ONE God which is one of the central beliefs of Judaism is called Monoth

According to Jewish scripture God’s laws were delivery by whom? Moses

Abraham met god and told his people (the Hebrews) about the promise land

According to Jewish Scripture God gave these laws to the Hebrews. (what are the laws called?)
What is the “promised land” called that God promised Abraham and his people? Canaan
(Hint: Between Egypt and Mesopotamia)

Moses led the Israelites from Egypt. This event is also called the Exodus
The ten commandments

Ten commandments were made by Moses. Moses climbed to the top of Mount Sinai where God spoke to him. When he came down the mountain, he carried 2 stone tablets that contained the Ten commandments. These commandments became the basis for the laws of the Israelites. The commandments later became an important part of the moral and ethical traditions of western civilization.

A Jewish holiday that remembers the Exodus

The Torah tells of a terrible famine in Canaan. The starving Israelites went to Egypt, where Jacob’s son Joseph served as top adviser to Egypt’s pharaoh. In time, a new pharaoh came to power. He enslaved the Israelites. And Moses helped the Israelites leave Egypt. Exodus is the migration of the Israelites from Egypt. And passover is a Jewish holiday that remembers the Exodus.
2nd King
                           of the Israelites
                             who brought to-
               gether the 12  
                             tribes of Israel

The first king Samuel chose a young man named David as the next king. The choice was a wise one. in about 1000 B.C. David and the Israelites drove out the Philistines. David won control of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10.3 cornell notes

Name: Laura Reis
Date: 11/03/2015
Topic: Cornell Notes 10.3 Rome and judea
Class/Period: I

Essential Question:Why did they not train their people good to fight?

Questions/ Vocab, etc.

  • The land of Judah included Syrians, Greeks, and Romans
  • In 198 Syrians took control of Judah
  • Some of the Jews started believing into Greek gods and beliefs
  • In 175 a new Syrian king came and the Jews weren't allowed to follow their     own rules and study the Torah.
  • After some time a Jewish priests and his sons started fighting with the Syrians.
  • In 164 Bc the Maccabees had regained control of Jerusalem
  • In 63 bc Romans came and started their own rules owed Judah
  • The jews were allowed to have Jewish kings and leaders, but they all would be under control of Romes.
  • Than at one time some of the Jews wanted to free them, but some didn't want  to.
  • They did not want to fight, because the thought the Romans would destroy
            their temple.   
  • In 70 ad jews started to move to rome, as slaves, but some stayed in
  • This time period is called Diaspora.
  • Even that the jews were taken as slaves, many of them tried to stay true to who the are, and their religion and traditions
  • Then the romans destroyed the second temple many jews were worried about their religion.
  • Rabbis, their leaders and teachers, made sure that would not happen, so they build synagogues, which were places where they could pray.
  • They read them the Torah and interpretations, or Commentaries, on the Torah.
  • Than there were build school to learn the torah and learn the prayers of their faith.

Summary:The Jews did not have a strong army, so they were beaten. First they got as slaves by the Assyrians. They took control over them, destroyed their temple. Than a Jewish priest came and took his 5 sons and started a battle and won the land back. After somewhere around 100 year the romans came and started ruling over them. They didnt allow them to follow their religion, but they could have Jewish kings, which were still under the rule of the romans. Than some of them tried to free them from romans, but the other didnt because they were afraid that they would destroy their temple. After some time they did destroy it, then the Jews were afraid to loose the power of being who they are, but their leaders and teachers made a way to prevent it. They build places were they could pray, and they would read the Torah. After Jerusalem was freed they  build schools to learn about Torah and prayers of their faith.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lesson 10.2 cornell Notes

Name: Laura Reis
Date: 10/03/2015
Topic:Lesson 10.2 cornell Notes
Class/Period: I

Essential Question:Who was the next king when they returned back to their land?

Questions/ Vocab, etc.

How long did the Assyrians fight with the Babylonians?
Why did the babylonians take the Jews into slaves?
  • When they came back they separated them, and not all of them believed in the same things. In 1029 bc Philistines invaded  and conquered Israelity territory. Israelites agreed to have one king, but then he would have more power, so a judge Samuel helped select the first kings of the 12 tribes. The first king in 1020 bc was Saul. Because of saul they made  Philistines loosen their control over them, and   then when he died the other king was David. David won control over Jerusalem in about 1000 bc because he drove out the Philistines. Solomon, David's son, became the 3rd king, in about 962 bc, he was also a really strong king. He build a trading line between Phoenicia and Israel, and also build their  Temple in Jerusalem.  The temple was a holy place.Solomon died in 922 bc and his son took his place, The israel split into two parts, the northern was called Israel  and the souther, which included Jerusalem was Judah. The southern had 2 tribes and the northen 10.  The Assyrians came and took the land, than the babylonians came and took the land, the people into their slaves, and destroyed the temple.During this time the Israelites became known as the Jews, while the judah spent about 50 year in Babylon, this time period is also known as Babylonian Captivity.During that time jews werent really allowed to be really religious in their way.  Prophets were people who could talk to god. Cyrus freed the Jews, and they went back to their homeland, and there they rebuild their temple, because there was almost nothing left.

Summary:Israelites had 3 kings, each one was more wiser than the other. First one was David, than was Solomon, and than Solomon's son. At one point their land was captured by the Assyrians, and than by the Babylonians. They didn't have freedom in the Babylonians because they were taken as  slaves and their temple was destroyed. The time when they got free by Cyrus, they went back to their land and rebuild their temple.