Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10.3 cornell notes

Name: Laura Reis
Date: 11/03/2015
Topic: Cornell Notes 10.3 Rome and judea
Class/Period: I

Essential Question:Why did they not train their people good to fight?

Questions/ Vocab, etc.

  • The land of Judah included Syrians, Greeks, and Romans
  • In 198 Syrians took control of Judah
  • Some of the Jews started believing into Greek gods and beliefs
  • In 175 a new Syrian king came and the Jews weren't allowed to follow their     own rules and study the Torah.
  • After some time a Jewish priests and his sons started fighting with the Syrians.
  • In 164 Bc the Maccabees had regained control of Jerusalem
  • In 63 bc Romans came and started their own rules owed Judah
  • The jews were allowed to have Jewish kings and leaders, but they all would be under control of Romes.
  • Than at one time some of the Jews wanted to free them, but some didn't want  to.
  • They did not want to fight, because the thought the Romans would destroy
            their temple.   
  • In 70 ad jews started to move to rome, as slaves, but some stayed in
  • This time period is called Diaspora.
  • Even that the jews were taken as slaves, many of them tried to stay true to who the are, and their religion and traditions
  • Then the romans destroyed the second temple many jews were worried about their religion.
  • Rabbis, their leaders and teachers, made sure that would not happen, so they build synagogues, which were places where they could pray.
  • They read them the Torah and interpretations, or Commentaries, on the Torah.
  • Than there were build school to learn the torah and learn the prayers of their faith.

Summary:The Jews did not have a strong army, so they were beaten. First they got as slaves by the Assyrians. They took control over them, destroyed their temple. Than a Jewish priest came and took his 5 sons and started a battle and won the land back. After somewhere around 100 year the romans came and started ruling over them. They didnt allow them to follow their religion, but they could have Jewish kings, which were still under the rule of the romans. Than some of them tried to free them from romans, but the other didnt because they were afraid that they would destroy their temple. After some time they did destroy it, then the Jews were afraid to loose the power of being who they are, but their leaders and teachers made a way to prevent it. They build places were they could pray, and they would read the Torah. After Jerusalem was freed they  build schools to learn about Torah and prayers of their faith.

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