Abraham was the father of the Hebrews, he was the one that God spoke to and told to leave Ur and move to the promised land of Canaan. The Hebrews were monotheism, so they belived only in one god, as Abraham tought them. Then come the tribes, and Judaism comes from the name of one of the 12 tribes named after sons and grandsons of Abraham. In Canaan the hebrews were Caled Israelitis and stayed like that. Then a time period came called exodus, when they left Canaan and whent to Egypt but got as slaves there. Then when they got free god gave them the Ten Commandments of what to do right and what not to do.Than they were lost in the desert for 40 years, and when they came back their promised land was tachen. So they started a war that was almoust 200 years. Than when the war stopped the tribes divided into 2 parts. Each part had their kings and judges that helped them and they asked advice. Also, one more time god spoke to Abraham. So because god spoke to him, Abraham tought it to the people, and they belived him.
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