Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lesson 10.1 Cornell Notes

Name: Laura Reis
Date: 08/03/2015
Topic: Lesson 10.1 Cornell notes.
Class/Period: I

Essential Question:

Questions/ Vocab, etc.

Why couldn't they just talk to get their promised land back? And why did they fight so long?
Monotheism- a religion with a belief in one god only.
  • First 5 books of the Hebrew bible are called Torah. Those book were about their history, laws, and beliefs. They belived that the books were given them by god. It consists of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The father of Hebrews was Abraham who lived in Ur in Mesopotamia in 1800 bc. Abraham took his people from Ur to Canaan which was the promised land told him to go to, and the land would belong only to him. Hebrews were monotheists, which means they believed that only one god existed. After some time they changed the name Canaan to Israelites, the name which came from Abraham’s grandson Jacob, Jacob had 12 sons. which 10 of them sons and 2 grandsons, which also they were the fathers of 12 tribes. After some time a terrible  famine came to them, so they left and went to Egypt.  But there they were slaved by a pharaon  and build projects. Then Moses came and helped them to get  free and now the migration from Egypt is known as Exodus. Then when they left Egypt they wonderen in the Sinai desert for 40 years. Then Moses climbed to the top of Mout Sinai where god spoke to him, and when he returned back he help to stones with 10 commandments. They became the basis of laws of Israelites, and an important part of the moral and ethical traditions of Western civilization. They believed that if they obeyed the rules god would protect them. When they came back to their promised land there were people, so they divided them self into 12 tribes, each  named after one of Jacob's sons. The fought for 200 years to take the land back. While they were fighting they had no kings, they had judges, men and women, who they asked advice and made changes.

Summary: Abraham ruled the hebrew, then he got a message from god and went with his people to Canaan which was the promised land to him from god. When hard times came he and his people went to Egypt, but there they were taken as slaves. When they got free they traveled in a desert for 40 years because they got lost there they alos got the 10 commandments. When they came back to their land there were people who lived there. So the started a war which was 200 years long. While they were fighting they were divided into 12 tribes, each named after one of Jacob’s sons or grandsons. Also they had no kings only judges.

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